


When public schools are judged by how much art and music they have, by how many science experiments their students perform, by how much time they leave for recess and play, and by how much food they grow rather than how many tests they administer, then I will be confident that we are preparing our students for a future where they will be creative participants and makers of history rather than obedient drones for the ruling economic elite.

Mark Naison (via purplebuddhaproject)

this is totally random but hooooooow do you have commas in your tags?



AHA, yes, that is a neat trick, isn’t it, and actually my method is “i don’t know but it works.” basically back when livejournal wasn’t a barren wasteland, i saw people using faux commas in their icon keywords. i don’t know what manner of symbol it is, exactly, and i had no idea how to make it other than to copy + paste it. so i, uh, go to my lj usericons page and copy it from the keywords in that jim/bones icon and then paste it into the tag i’m writing.


what is it, i don’t know, it looks like a comma, but it’s magic instead.

google tells me this is something called a single low-9 quotation mark




This indie designer is exposing her legal battle with Zara over allegedly stolen designs

Los Angeles-based clothing and accessories designer Tuesday Bassen is at odds with Zara over the alleged theft of her designs. Tuesday night, Bassen posted an excerpt of Zara’s response to a cease-and-desist notice her attorney sent the giant corporate fashion house alongside comparative images of the pins and patches in question.

Soon, the hashtag #SupportTuesdayBassen surfaced on social media with her followers tweeting at Zara and bombarding the fashion house’s Instagram account with hundreds of comments. But as others pointed out on Wednesday, this is hardly the first time Zara has been accused of blatantly ripping off young, lesser-known designers.

Signal boost.